
Case: Nail & Brow Bar MONLIS.

How We Increased the Number of Calls and Attracted More Clients

How Digital Solutions Helped MONLIS Increase Calls and Attract More Clients
MONLIS is not just a network of three nail and beauty studios in Munich; it is our long-time partner and friend. Since 2022, we have been working together on digital solutions, supporting omnichannel processes, and attracting clients from all possible platforms.

How Digital Solutions Helped MONLIS Increase Calls and Attract More Clients
MONLIS is not just a network of three nail and beauty studios in Munich; it is our long-time partner and friend. Since 2022, we have been working together on digital solutions, supporting omnichannel processes, and attracting clients from all possible platforms.

Together, we strive to ensure that every resident of Munich knows where to find the best beauty services in the city. In this case study, we will share how our efforts helped MONLIS more than triple the number of calls and attract new clients.

Digital Challenges of MONLIS

During the process of optimizing MONLIS's digital strategy, we encountered several challenges:

  • Limited Communication with Clients

    Calls were directed straight to the administrators' mobile phones. Although each studio had an administrator, this created a heavy workload and led to missed calls, especially during busy hours.

  • Unoptimized Advertising Campaigns

    The ads were running, but we could only track clicks on the phone number on the website. This didn’t always lead to a call, and matching the data was difficult and inaccurate. We understood that without precise information about the sources of calls, optimizing the advertising budget would be challenging.

  • Lack of Accurate Analytics

    Data about clients and their interactions with advertising were fragmented. We wanted to have a complete picture of the customer journey from the first click to the call or booking, to make well-informed marketing decisions.

Digital Challenges of MONLIS

During the process of optimizing MONLIS's digital strategy, we encountered several challenges:

Відсутність точної аналітики

Дані про клієнтів і їхню взаємодію з рекламою були розрізненими. Ми хотіли мати повну картину шляху клієнта від першого кліка до дзвінка або запису, щоб приймати обґрунтовані рішення в маркетингу.

Неоптимізовані рекламні кампанії

Реклама працювала, але ми могли відстежувати лише кліки по номеру телефону на сайті. Це не завжди призводило до дзвінка, і зіставляти дані було складно та неточно. Ми розуміли, що без точної інформації про джерела дзвінків оптимізувати рекламний бюджет непросто.

Обмежена комунікація з клієнтами

Дзвінки надходили прямо на мобільні телефони адміністраторів. Хоча в кожній студії є адміністратор, це створювало навантаження та призводило до пропущених викликів, особливо у завантажені години.

  • Limited Communication with Clients

    Calls were directed straight to the administrators' mobile phones. Although each studio had an administrator, this created a heavy workload and led to missed calls, especially during busy hours.

  • Unoptimized Advertising Campaigns

    The ads were running, but we could only track clicks on the phone number on the website. This didn’t always lead to a call, and matching the data was difficult and inaccurate. We understood that without precise information about the sources of calls, optimizing the advertising budget would be challenging.

  • Lack of Accurate Analytics

    Data about clients and their interactions with advertising were fragmented. We wanted to have a complete picture of the customer journey from the first click to the call or booking, to make well-informed marketing decisions.

Our Digital Solution

We proposed a comprehensive digital strategy for MONLIS that included the following steps:

Implementation of IP Telephony through Ringostat

We retained the old numbers that clients were familiar with and set up call forwarding to new IP numbers, ensuring stable communication without the need to change familiar contacts.

We configured SIP telephony, which improved call quality and allowed for efficient distribution of calls between administrators.

Creating an Omnichannel Customer Experience:

Call Tracking: This tool allowed us to precisely identify which ad or channel led to a call, enabling us to optimize advertising expenses.

Callback Widget on the Website: Now clients can leave their phone number, and an administrator will call them back as soon as possible.

Optimization of Advertising Campaigns on Key Platforms

Google Ads: We optimized campaigns for call conversions, using data from actual calls to improve targeting.

Facebook Ads: We set up campaigns focused on call conversions, using custom conversions that consider calls as the main objective.

Bing and TikTok Ads: We launched campaigns on these new platforms to reach additional audiences and test their effectiveness in generating calls.

Analysis and Continuous Optimization

Using GA4 for in-depth analysis of user behavior on the website and their interaction with ads. Continuous A/B testing of advertisements and landing pages to improve conversion rates.

Using GA4 for in-depth analysis of user behavior on the website and their interaction with ads. Continuous A/B testing of advertisements and landing pages to improve conversion rates.

Using GA4 for in-depth analysis of user behavior on the website and their interaction with ads. Continuous A/B testing of advertisements and landing pages to improve conversion rates.

Results in Numbers

The number of calls increased from 25 to 80 per day, which was a direct result of optimizing the advertising campaigns.

The number of calls increased from 25 to 80 per day, which was a direct result of optimizing the advertising campaigns.

The efficiency of advertising spending improved: accurate tracking allowed us to reallocate the budget to the most effective channels.

Lead quality improved: thanks to precise targeting, new calls more frequently resulted in actual bookings.

Effect on Business
Customer satisfaction, expansion of the client base, and strengthened market position due to a comprehensive digital approach.

Effect on Business
Customer satisfaction, expansion of the client base, and strengthened market position due to a comprehensive digital approach.

Client Feedback

"Collaboration with This is Marketing Agency has been a real discovery for us. Thanks to their professionalism and attention to detail, we have significantly increased the number of clients and improved the quality of service. We are now confident that digital solutions are what help us grow and evolve." — Tetyana Mitreva, owner of MONLIS studios.

We Invite You to Collaborate

If you want your business to reach new heights with modern digital solutions, contact us or write to

If you want your business to reach new heights with modern digital solutions, contact us or write to

We are ready to apply similar approaches to your business and help your brand shine in the world of beauty and self-care!

We are ready to apply similar approaches to your business and help your brand shine in the world of beauty and self-care!

We are ready to apply similar approaches to your business and help your brand shine in the world of beauty and self-care!

We are ready to apply similar approaches to your business and help your brand shine in the world of beauty and self-care!